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Self Pick Up Info

.Self Pick Up
Customers can choose the Self pick up option for most products or purchases upon check out. The pick up location will be set 6 area.
- SS2, PJ
-Bangsar Shopping Centre, KL
-EkoCheras Mall, Cheras
-Empire Shopping Gallery, Subang Jaya
-Kepong, KL
-The Starling Mall, PJ

By choosing this option, you agree and understand that the order will require some processing time and will not be available for self pick up instantly, especially if the product needs to be transferred to a desired location. Upon being ready for pick up, you will be contacted via the phone number or email you provided for the order. We will not be responsible or held liable for any losses or consequential losses if you pick up from any ESH locations before the order is ready or if the request is not clearly communicated with us.